SBYSC Coaches Code

The individual who takes on the responsibility of coaching a youth soccer team is a special kind of person, with special qualities. This code is dedicated to coaches who endeavor to teach soccer to children on fields of friendly strife where competition and sportsmanship reign supreme.

As a coach I accept that the South Belt Youth Soccer Club subscribes to the principle of coaching by example and insists that coaches conduct themselves in a like manner. Listed below are guidelines that if followed would allow every coach and player to be a credit to the game.

  1. I will endeavor to make soccer participation a fun and enjoyable experience for all the boys and girls.

  2. I will by my actions and words promote goodwill and sportsmanship at all practices and games.

  3. I will dress appropriately for both games and practices so to set an example for others to follow.

  4. I will place the teaching and instruction of soccer as a primary goal and attempt to balance praise with criticism of any player.

  5. I will place fairness and team participation over winning.

  6. I shall not let winning be my sole motivation in coaching and allow only superior skill levels to he sought as an advantage.

  7. I will center youth soccer on team concepts, skills and character development.

  8. I will endeavor to learn the laws of soccer and regard them as mutual agreements, the spirit or letter of which no one should try to evade or break.

  9. I will, in soccer, as in life, treat others as I would have them treat me.

When I  accept the responsibility of coaching a team, I will also accept the responsibility to the team, to the players, to their parents as well as to support the club in it's endeavors to promote youth soccer.

__________________________________    ___________
 Coaches signature                        Date

Voice mail: (713) 559-6200
Snail mail: SBYSC, P.O.Box 34871, Houston, Texas, 77234.
Last updated: 24 May 2006